Casino allstars northern soul band

2009 five CD set. This installment in the popular 100 Hits series contains 100 classic Soul stompers featuring artist Al Wilson, Dobie Gray, Jackie Wilson, Chairmen of the Board, Willie Kendrick, Robert Knight, Barbara Acklin, Laura Greene, Barbara Lynn, Jimmy Radcliffe and many others. Soul City

Northern Soul re-issue label started in 1978 as a spin off from the Wigan Casino soul club. In the early 80s it became a division of RK Records. Hire Soul & Northern Soul Bands in the UK with Freak Music Soul bands have been dance floor fillers since the good old Northern Soul days first hit the UK and the genre is still going strong. Our Soul Bands available to hire in the UK have been getting great reviews and go down a storm ... The Printworks to host first Manchester Soul Festival ...

Northern soul - Wikipedia

Pure Funk and Soul 6-piece band based in York, The Music Machine guaranteed to get guests up dancing the night away with their enviable set list of classic ... Steve Lamacq's Northern Soul World Cup - Get involved with Steve Lamacq's search for the ultimate Northern Soul tune. ... and one-time Wigan Casino stalwart ... your very own Northern Soul band ... 365 Live | Atlantic City Entertainment | Hard Rock Hotel ... Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City. ... Dirty Dozen Dance Band May 18, 2019 May 18, ... Sensational Soul Cruisers May 31, ... Keep The Faith band - Northern Soul Band

Northern Soul Win! £30 Printworks voucher for the Manchester Soul ...

Hire Das Happy | Soul & Northern Soul Bands | York | Freak ... Pure Funk and Soul 6-piece band based in York, The Music Machine guaranteed to get guests up dancing the night away with their enviable set list of classic ... Steve Lamacq's Northern Soul World Cup - Get involved with Steve Lamacq's search for the ultimate Northern Soul tune. ... and one-time Wigan Casino stalwart ... your very own Northern Soul band ... 365 Live | Atlantic City Entertainment | Hard Rock Hotel ...


The Allstars Wedding Band - Northern Ireland Welcome to The Allstars Wedding Band website. We are a 4 piece band based in the centre of Northern Ireland, perfect for your Wedding day, special occasion, or event. We pride ourselves on encouraging everyone to enjoy themselves, dance and have fun and we offer the perfect combination of musicians and music for a fantastic nights entertainment!! Casino Classics Label | Releases | Discogs Northern Soul re-issue label started in 1978 as a spin off from the Wigan Casino soul club. In the early 80s it became a division of RK Records. Hire Soul & Northern Soul Bands in the UK with Freak Music Soul bands have been dance floor fillers since the good old Northern Soul days first hit the UK and the genre is still going strong. Our Soul Bands available to hire in the UK have been getting great reviews and go down a storm ...

27 Oct 2013 ... Big Al is still around and plays withThe Casino Allstars the UK's best Northern Soul band. I've been with him tonight and we were talking about ...

Best Soul Bands in Las Vegas, NV - GigMasters From weddings receptions to class reunions, Soul Bands make for great entertainment at just about any event. They’ll play all the hits that will have you and your guests up and on your feet in no time. Browse through our selection of the best bands in the Las Vegas, NV area. Best Soul Bands in Nevada County, AR - GigMasters From weddings receptions to class reunions, Soul Bands make for great entertainment at just about any event. They’ll play all the hits that will have you and your guests up and on your feet in no time. Browse through our selection of the best bands in the Nevada County, AR area. Soul band comes to Topaz | A behind-the-scenes pioneer of the 1970s soul funk explosion, Trey Stone was a key player in the era’s dance-funk sound and contributed his talents as a guitarist, keyboard player, vocalist and writer for dozens of hit recordings. Stone and his Trey Stone Band have two upcoming performances in ... Wigan Casino - Wikipedia

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